Thursday, June 30, 2011

When Voicemail-to-Text goes bad…

I had a trial for VM-to-Text, and I got some funny transcriptions that weren’t even close to what the voicemail said. So here are some of my favorites, everything is exactly like the messages I got – punctuation and all. Enjoy:

“Hey honey, I wonder if you’re going to club house right now, go look on as long while looking well thing combi somebody tell you I said was 5825 if you try to call Shafer what I could really use it right now, someone call need an endless lappy please come by after class. Oh look at the office. I was disconnected at all. Whenever you can. I’ll just be like I said I really need you right now, what, right. I love you, Ohio, but thank you. I go. Bye.”

“Yay say oh just cute. I got some good news thing. So just so keep out for me. I shan’t. Bye. He.”

“Hey, sorry to be a booklet really important alright girl. I give you a call of this is me, what’s up with you somewhere. I we’re.”

And finally…..

“Buyers not classroom work. Calling the check on you. I saw your Facebook and twitter status make sure you’re OK. Let me know. See anything back.”

I think technology failed me on these, because I couldn’t really decipher what the heck anyone was saying so I needed to listen to the VM anyway….so…. VM-to-Text FAIL! At least it was funny to read. 

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

what the hell?

I seriously have to sit back sometimes and just think to myself… “self… what the hell is wrong with you?!?” I mean, honestly I don’t get myself. I wish I could be cold and heartless sometimes, but that’s just not me. I’m just such a lovey person. Normally I’d say, unless you cross me, but to be completely honest, I just cannot hold a grudge. I mean, there’s this one guy that played me hardcore. I mean, he was good. I found out that he lied about his relationship status and it pissed me off. I mean, I really digged this guy. Looks, yeah, he’s good looking, but more than that was his personality. We used to talk all the time about everything. Just felt this awesome connection. The azzhat even had the audacity to talk to me about my daughter, inviting her out to dinner one time. He told me he couldn’t wait for me to meet his dad and friends, and when I mentioned to him that my friends keep saying that I need to find myself a good man, he said that I’d found one already (him). I mean… the fuck? Why the hell would someone say that knowing that they have a girlfriend? That’s just unnecessarily cruel. I called him out on it, via text because I probably would have chickened out over the phone, and here’s a shocker, he hasn’t replied. It’s like I was nothing but a fucking game to him. I just don’t understand the thought process behind the things that people do. He’s a sadistic bastard; likes to hurt girls emotionally. I guess at the end of the day I got lucky though – heard from a friend of his that he treats his girlfriend like shit, yelling at her and talking down to her. It took me such a long time to get out of J’s control, the last thing I need is to end up in a situation where I’m mentally and emotionally abused again. And yet… I miss him. I just want him to tell me that it’s not true and that he actually cared, but I know that will never happen. I think I’m just lonely and needing someone to, not be with, but to be able to spoil and kinda take care of. See, people might not believe it, but I absolutely love giving massages and scratching someone’s head. Just doing whatever possible to make them comfortable and happy. I’m so weird. Anyway, I feel uber nauseous right now, like something really bad is about to happen. I don’t like this feeling. I want it to go away.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

It's Time for Another VIDEO BLOG!!! Yay!!!

Just Dealing...

What through radiance that was once so bright, be now forever taken from my sight. Though nothing can bring back the hour of splendor in the grass , of glory in the flower; we will grieve not, rather find strength in what remains behind. 
William Wadsworth

I kinda love how my venting on my blog really helps me to see things more clearly. I’m just frustrated right now at the lack of communication from some people. I’m ready to just walk away. I mean, granted, the guy is probably 100% worth the wait and worth all this frustration, but I just don’t feel like I deserve to be pushed aside like I’m nothing. I’m not a “back-burner” type girl. If you want me, if you actually care about me, then you’ll make time for me. It’s as easy as that. Lord knows that my life is incredibly hectic, but I always make time for the people I care about. Might have something to do with the fact that I’m not a cold and heartless bitch. Not saying that any of the guys I’m talking about are cold heartless bitches, just saying that I’m not one.

Anyway, roomie is out of town for a week – oh yeah, moved out a couple of months ago. I plan on spending this time just organizing everything. Hopefully I’ll be able to finish moving my stuff in. Looks like I’ll be doing that on my own since the person that said they’d help had been kinds absent. And this, my friends, is why I never depend on a guy for anything. It’s not worth the hassle and heartbreak when they blow you off.

This weekend is going to be pretty tough for me. On Saturday we are going to a service for one of our former co-workers that recently passed away. I worked closely with her for my first couple of years here. She was young, in her thirties, but she was very sick – cancer. Then on Sunday I’m going with my grandmother to the cemetery. Papa Al’s nameplate and everything should be put in by now so we’re going to pay our respects – he passed on May 19th of a heart attack. Grandma found him slumped over at home and the ambulance rushed him to the hospital. Mom and I got there right before the Dr called us all in to let us know he didn’t survive. It was so unbelievably hard to hear and I tried to stay strong for my grandmother, but still broke down. Lo and I went over there practically every weekend, spent so much time with him. Yesterday would have been his 82nd birthday. I took Lo over there last weekend and she walked into the house and first thing she asked – “Where’s Papa Al?”. So grandma and I had to explain to her again that he’s up in heaven. It sucks, I miss him. I gotta stop talking about it or I’m gonna start crying again.

There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness but of power. They are messengers of overwhelming grief and of unspeakable love.
Washington Irving