Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Challenge

As I was drinking my Caramel Brulee Latte and staring down the peppermint brownie I got from Starbucks, I was hit with the sudden realization that the wedding is only 2 months away! Holy crap, right? I was fitted for my bridesmaid dress months ago, and I'll get it next week, but I've put on a little weight since then. So my challenge now is to lose that excess weight before the wedding. So, 15 lbs in 2 months - can I do it? Hell, I've done it before.

It should be easy since classes end next week and I'll have the time to start working out - the first few weeks are always the hardest, after that I crave it since I get such an intense high from it. My classes next semester are every other day, so that'll work out perfectly for my working out.

Certain people think that I look better with a little meat on my bones, but I liked my flat tummy, and now I have a gut; it doesn't make me happy. Let me put it this way - I've gone from a size 3 to a size 7 in the past year. Now, I'm not wanting to get back down to a 3 because my coworker started calling me her little ethiopian, but I'd like to get back down to a 5.

So here's the plan. I gotta cut out the carbonated beverages, coffee, and energy drinks (I'l start after finals are over), and that will help me lose some weight, since the sugar from that collects around your midsection. I also gotta stop with all the alcohol, since I'm almost positive that the Yuengling has a lot to do with the mini beer belly I've got goin on. Then I can start going for runs and get some cardio going. C said I should run a half marathon with him in January, don't think that'll happen (at my best I can barely run a 5k, let alone 13 miles!). Maybe in 2011. Then I can get back on my 30 day challenge with the Wii Fit, which totally kicks my butt as well. I'm fairly certain if I stick to that, that I can be down 10-15lbs by the wedding. I'll keep ya posted. :)

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