Friday, December 4, 2009

Moving Out?

I've been in talks with my cousin and his fiance to get a place together. I received a call last night that they found a townhouse and they'd like me to look at it, so everything might fall into place. So I'm all excited and I send out texts to my friends about it, and C replies asking who I'm moving in with, and then he's like, "u should move in with me". Um.... what? I've been waiting months for him to show some sign that he wants to get serious, and then when I have plans to move in with someone else he offers this? What, will he wait until I'm engaged to say I should marry him? My reply, "um... I'm gonna go take my final now."

The thing is, I don't think I'll be able to afford the place because I found out that instead of splitting it 3 ways like I logically thought, they're talking about 50/50, which doesn't seem fair to me. I can't afford $700 a month; if I could I'd be on my own already. So if this happens to fall through, I wonder if I can take C up on his offer, if only to call his bluff.


  1. Just because they are talking about 50/50 doesn't mean you have to accept it. There are 3 people involved. They are not a unit unless they are buying and renting a room to you. They are taking you for a ride.

  2. The more you post the dumber you come across. It doesn't take a genius to know that they are trying to take advantage of you. Even if they were married they should be responsible for 2/3 of the rent. DECLINE! And tell them they are morons while you are at it! Secondly, if you move in with your ex, you are the biggest twit ever! Do you really think this would be best for your daughter?

  3. I'm aware of all of that. That's why I'm not moving in with them. I'm also well aware of the damage that it could cause my daughter if I move in with my ex. I'm not an idiot.

  4. Shit did not do the letter thingy.

    Roo, what is your hurry to leave where you are. Seems to me that you would be giving up alot just to get a sense of independence.

    Remember the grass is always greener...

  5. Not really my call. I've been given a timeline - need to be out by the end of next year.
