Friday, October 30, 2009

I need to take a trip...

Seriously. The firefighter has definitely got me all hot and bothered. He might come down next weekend, which will be nice. Then my friend and I will go visit him (and her bf) at the end of the month... and I'm sure that will be a really nice trip... if you get what I mean. :)

I don't know what it is about this guy, but I feel like I've known him forever. It's cool. I'm super excited to see him. I just know that the distance thing is going to really suck. I mean, if things work out, I don't think I'd be able to handle living in the country. Ugh, there I go again, putting the basket before the horse. (heh - cliche city lately). I just really like the way he makes me feel, and the sound of his voice... omg - that southern drawl... I have a weakness for that...

Ok - Bachelorette party tomorrow, I'm so excited. It's going to be legen...wait for it...dary.

Hope everyone has a safe and Happy Halloween!!!!


  1. Whoooooeeee! I can barely see you through the PEA haze, honey!

    Yea!!! That's so fun!


  2. I'm going up to visit him this weekend with my friend, since she's going up anyway to visit some family. I'm so excited! Seriously, PEA is crazy, and we haven't even met in person yet!
