Monday, January 25, 2010

Fucking Weirdos!

After class tonight I went to the pool hall to get something to eat. E, the guy that I had met last week, met me there. Now, last week we got along pretty well, so I was fine with hanging out again. Dude shows up completely trashed. Unable to form a thought, and I think I detected a hint of pot. Oy - ok.

I didn't go there to drink, I went there for dinner and to read my book. So he was bugging me to have a drink, and I must have told him no a dozen times. Then he went on about how I shouldn't become an alcoholic. Um... ok, I wasn't too concerned with that considering I was drinking water.

Then he looked though my textbook and I had my homework in there - it was a thought paper where we had to write who we were and why we thought that. It was pretty personal, so I took it because I didn't want anyone reading it. Apparently he got upset by that, which confused me. I told him I didn't know him and that the only person that needed to read that, aside from me, was my teacher.

So we were talking, and I was trying to be polite, but he was bugging the crap out of me. He kept on telling me how much he liked me and all this other stuff. I don't remember how the conversation got to this, but he's like, you like bad boys, I know. I was like, um... no I don't. He swore that I did because I had said it the other night. First off, don't try to sit here and tell me, the sober one, that I said something that I never said, and second, don't try to act like you know me and know what I like. Then he started talking about my ex-husband... yeah...

So after the annoying conversation, he's like, you have nice ears, can I touch them? wtf? Who says that? Then he asks if he can kiss me. Again, I tell him no, that I didn't know him well enough to kiss me. He's like, well the texts said otherwise - something like that. What texts? I asked, and he told me not to play stupid. So I grabbed my phone to see what I said that might have been miscontrued, and he tried to take my phone away. Yeah, no one touches my fucking phone. I remember he texted me asking for a picture, and I refused to send one, but there wasn't even a hint of kissing or even flirting for that matter. So he asked again to kiss me, and again I said no.

By this time I was getting aggravated, so I asked for the bill to leave. Walked outside, said bye, and headed to my car. As I'm halfway across the parking lot, freezing, he shouts out - I got a hug last time. I just said I was cold and went to my car. Apparently I didn't start my car soon enough - I was looking for some body spray because I reeked of cigarettes and I can't stand that. So he pulls up next to me and tries to get in my car. Luckily I'm super anal about making sure my doors are locked as soon as I get in my car (habit from J), so I rolled the window down a crack and I'm like, what? He's like - last time I got a hug, I want a hug now. I'm like, no, I have to go. He kept bugging me, saying that he wanted a hug, and I kept saying no. Then he's like, am I freaking you out? Of course, I said yes, he got in his car and I took off.

Freaked me the hell out. I don't like being in that situation. Yes, he got a hug last time, because we got along, and it wasn't intimate, it was like a nice to meet you hug. You don't sit here and demand one! Jesus! When I left I was kinda freaking, worried that he'd follow me home or something, so I took the long way home, and after I confirmed that no one was following me, I went home. Now deputy's pissed because he wasn't there (he was too tired to meet me), and he wasn't able to protect me. I mean, it's all good now - I'm just ignoring the texts and calls and deleting the voicemail without checking it (yes, he's already texted and called and this just happened like 30 minutes ago).

I'm giving up on guys for a while because apparently I can't seem to choose normal ones. :(

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